RIP Buck Fiddy. You will be missed. You were the one place Westwood coeds could count on to be open late after fraternity parties to soak up the liter of Jungle Juice we'd inevitably drink. Sure, you didn't have straight As. No one is perfect! The fact is that when I stumbled from a Sig Ep or Sigma Nu party (or even from Madison's or Cowboy Sushi, fine Westwood establishments that felt age requirements for liquor sales were really only loose guidelines...shockingly, they're both also closed), Buck Fiddy was, well, $1.50. A perfect price point for poor college students.
You had a makeover in the last couple of years to try to class up the joint, but in the hearts of all true Bruins, you were still the same classless, yet lovable, shack with delicious sandwiches. And now you're gone. Westwood is sadder for it.
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