Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Guess Who's Back, Back Again!


I'm coming up for air just to say that law school is wearing me out, folks. I have studied harder in the last week than I have studied in my entire life, combined. Here are some highlights since the beginning of school:

  • One of my friends ended up in my section. Score!
  • I have two superstar professors, but I am truly in love with Warren (or Liz, as I like to call her in my free time. If you don't know who she is, GIYF)
  • I have 8:20am class three times per week. THREE TIMES PER WEEK! I am not a morning person!
  • Even worse, I have had double Civil Procedure sections on Wednesday-Friday...which is basically like hell on Earth, but worse. I have kept myself going by thinking that I'm planning on going into transactional work so it's not going to be my whole career/life.

Funny moment with Liz on the second day of school: so, they have us put namecards with our last names up on the table in front of us. This kid gave a wrong answer on the first day. She came back the next day and asked the same kid another question. Again, he gives the wrong answer. Her response? "You're 0 for 2, [name]." Seems innocuous enough, but the sting with which it was delivered made more than a few of us go "DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!" Of course, under our breath because she would cut us with words if we spoke out. That said, I adore her and her class...and trust me, this is not because I get it (OK, it's not wholly because I get it)!

As for the cross-country trip, that was a hot mess. Those of you who keep up with me on Facebook got a bit of the insane flavor of that trip. Maybe I'll have time to post about it sometime...I just doubt it. It's unfortunate because in between the suckiness, there was actually a decent experience.

I miss having time to catch up on my friends' lives. I'm sorry I've been so MIA. I just need to get my bearings. I've closed down the library a couple of times this week. I've been running on 6 hours of sleep per night which isn't that great when you consider the fact that I need to let all these concepts marinate and give my brain recovery time.

Goodnight my friends. I miss y'all and hope to catch up with you soon!

10 people testified:

weezermonkey said...



Total violation of the Eighth Amendment.

dapotato said...

i have the inverse sucky schedule of yours this semester--class until 10 PM almost every night. problem is, that means i need to wake up early to do work before classes after staying up all night after the night classes to do other work.

yay for update, though!

Nanette said...

I'm tired just reading that!

Love ya!

Winnie said...

Ditto Nanners. Your day sounds exhausting to me. I don't know how you manage. I miss you!

Feminist Gold Digger said...

Best of luck with your first year!!!

amber said...

Ah man, you're bringing me back to Jimbo's first year and the hell that it was. Just keep pluggin' along. I'm thinking good thoughts for you dear. {{hugs}}

Sarah said...

Just like Amber, you're bringing me back to the Hub's law school days. He had the 8am early section first year too! Death.

Good luck! Sounds like you'll do great. Oh, and I love the blog template.

Jen said...

Oh man, it begins! Hang in there -- all that studying will pay off! Like you, I studied more in the first semester than I did in all of college combined! It will be worth it, though. :)

Jen said...

Oh man, it begins! Hang in there -- all that studying will pay off! Like you, I studied more in the first semester than I did in all of college combined! It will be worth it, though. :)

wan said...

i miss you.