The Crimson gods frowned on me this year in legal writing. First, I got an instructor who seemed cool at first, but has turned out to be a major nightmare. Look dude, I respect the whole "I don't give a F*@K" demeanor -- in fact, I feel the same way. However, when you don't give me much feedback and then expect me to just divine what you want, I have a serious problem. Then there's the fact that our brief for the semester (worth our entire grade for spring semester) is a team project...and my partner is in China over spring break. Normally again, I wouldn't care...except this thing is due the day after we come back from break which means that we need to collaborate. But we can't. Because she's in China. As a result of the weightiness of the project (and, ya know, the fact that I've basically blown it off since we submitted a rough draft), I am up to see the sunrise during my spring break and it's because I'm actually working.
The last time I was awake for sunrise was a loooooong time ago. OK, not *too* long ago as I woke up early with The Outdoorsman when we were in Hawaii to see the sunrise. But the last time I was awake throughout the night and then up to see the sunrise was a long time ago. I love my sleep; what can I say? The last time was when I was 20 years old. I used to go see this reggae-funk-soul band that played in the LA area (later, the lead singer for the band went on to play Chuck the security guard on "The Drew Carey Show"). I'd go to their concerts, then of course I'd just have to go to the afterparty! I was hanging out with this guy Pete that I met after the show, took to the party, and we were up until sunrise.
20 year old Violet HATES 29 year old Violet. Fucking loathes.
Of course, 29 year old Violet has realistic job opportunities and hopes, unlike 20 year old Violet...
Back to the Diet Pepsi, Pandora, and paper. I'm starting to tweak a little from the caffeine. Now I know why Jessie had such a problem. I'!!!
go watch this movie and tell me how it is
1 month ago
5 people testified:
hang in there, friend. and i hope your partner brings you back some good shit.
i like the new layout :)
What WeeMo said!
Ugh, good luck. My sister is in China right now, helping her BFF get her new adopted baby. Maybe your classmate has a surprise for you. :P
hang in there!
Dude! That girl is nuts!! :(
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