Long time, no talk. I know, I've been extremely busy with school and interviewing and what not. Law schools are strange in that first year students (1Ls) interview roughly 5-6 months in advance for summer internships. 1Ls are allowed to start applying on December 1 and many positions have rolling deadlines. I didn't sent out resumes until late-December because I couldn't handle putting applications on top of finals, which meant that I didn't start interviewing until mid-January. That was incredibly stressful given that I heard about other law school classmates who already had offers.
Luckily once the interviews started, they didn't really stop. And then when grades came out, it was even better. I decided to stop interviewing when I got a couple of great offers and today I got the offer I was hoping for. Of course, this one offer pre-empted the three offers from New York firms and organizations so in the legal battle for Violet, it's Boston: 2; New York: 0. I'll be working for a firm here in town which means that I get to stay living with The Outdoorsman AND the benefit of getting big firm experience!
Guys, I'm almost like a grown up now!!!
go watch this movie and tell me how it is
1 month ago
5 people testified:
Send me all the details!!!
I'm not surprised. :D
ditto FGD, but still - so excited for you! yay!
That is SO AWESOME!! :D
And being someone that really loved spending summers with my school-aholic boyfriend, I'm glad you're getting to stay close to The Outdoorsman. :)
Congrats! I'm so proud of you!
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