Monday night marked the last meeting of the Sports Business and Law reading group I had this semester taught by my Crim prof Dersh and co-taught by the CEO and co-owner of the Red Sox, Larry Lucchino. As our final meeting, we got together to have dinner at Dersh's (who, I was quite delighted to find out, was the voice of Turkey Lurkey in a fairytale show. Totally clutch discovery by someone in my section.
The dinner was delightful -- catered by the apparently go-to Chinese restaurant, Chang Sho. Delish desserts followed. I didn't take pictures of that though because the home itself was quite a conversation piece. His home was exactly how I picture Dershowitz's mind running -- eclectic, different, fast paced, brightly colored, etc.
One of the first things you see when you walk in the house
And just a sample of one wall. The entire living room, foyer, and other hallways were EXACTLY like this with historical artifacts and art all mixed up in there
One of my classmates pulled the yawn + stretch here (note, you can see my polka dot coat on the couch)
At the end, he took us on a tour of his home. After walking through his bedroom (awwwwwwwwwwwwwkward), we got to see his private office with tons of memorabilia. This was one of my favorite things
Yes, that's a dartboard with his face on it. Even funnier, it was completely full of holes.
It was a delightful dinner and good time all around. I'm consistently impressed by the hospitality of our professors here.
go watch this movie and tell me how it is
1 month ago
3 people testified:
I've eaten at Chang Sho a few times. :) Cool to see his house!
that house is...interesting!
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