I feel rejuvenated. Refreshed. Little, yellow, and different? Not so much that. I figured it was time for a facelift, but I guess starting anew is rather like a whole body transplant.
I shut down my last blog for a variety of reasons. Primarily, I found that I was too easily searchable and while going through the law school application process, I didn't want all my personal biz out there. I was also getting tired of trying to find the time. Now, I want to make the time because I'm about to embark on an amazing journey and really, what better way to practice becoming an attorney than by being a semi-anonymous blowhard sucking up bandwidth on the internet?
I had a great admissions cycle this past year and was fortunate enough to be choosing from three full tuition scholarships from Top 10 schools, in addition to admission to the Big H. Ultimately I chose NYU, hence VioletFemme (that, and I have a deep love for the alterna-rock band for which I'm loosely named). I'll be taking my ball and going home (or packing my shit and peacing out for the LEast Coast) roughly around August, so this is my chance to live it up in LA prior to departure. Holler!
go watch this movie and tell me how it is
1 month ago
6 people testified:
You're a phoenix! ;)
Wow. I'm so incredibly excited for and proud of you, I can't believe I'm getting choked up. I can't wait to hear more!
i miss you already.
Yay!!! Can't wait to follow the adventures (hopefully they will not cause my law-school-PTSD to flare up)! So happy you will be keeping a blog bc I am going to miss you!
You're back!! Yay!
So glad I found your new blog! I couldn't figure out how I had suddenly become exempt from your Private blog. I mean, I knew it couldn't have been on purpose or anything. Hehehe.
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